HB McClure Company


One hundred years of quality service accounts for a lot. That’s why thousands of homeowners throughout Central PA have chosen HB McClure as their heatingcooling,  plumbingelectricalfuel oilpropane, and home comfort contractor. We have one of the largest percentages of return customers in the area.

With over 500+ employees and the most experienced and friendliest technicians around, you can trust HB McClure to give you the right solution the first time.

Why Choose HB McClure Company:
— 100% Employee-Owned
— Work Quality
— Unbiased Recommendations
— Price Competitiveness
— Wide Product Selection
— Full-Service Contractor
— Professionalism & Responsive
— Financing Available
— Professional and Emergency Plumbing Service

Jeri Donadee
[email protected]

HB McClure Company
PO Box 1745   |   600 South 17th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Main Phone: 717-232-4328

Additional Contact info:
Harrisburg: 232-4328
Hershey: 534-2661
Carlisle: 243-9011
York: 845-4328


